Studi Kelayakan Usaha dan Sistem Informasi Agribisnis Desa Arca Kecamatan Sukamakmur

  • Alfie Indriany Universitas Djuanda
  • Riny Kusumawati Universitas Djuanda
Keywords: Income Analysis, Hydrangea Flower, Farmer Income


The purpose of this study is to understand how business viability and agricultural business
information systems can optimize business operations in the flower industry. This research
involves descriptive analysis and discusses the appropriate steps in managing farmers' financial
management to improve well-being. This review also describes the relationship between
business viability, agricultural business information systems, and other factors influencing the
success of the flower business. By comprehending their roles comprehensively, stakeholders
can implement more effective strategies to optimize the flower business


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How to Cite
Indriany, A., & Kusumawati, R. (2024). Studi Kelayakan Usaha dan Sistem Informasi Agribisnis Desa Arca Kecamatan Sukamakmur. IKRAITH-EKONOMIKA, 8(2), 83-92.