Pendampingan Pembuatan Website untuk Pengembangan Desa Digital di Desa Baros, Kabupaten Serang

  • Dewanto Samodro UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Siti Maryam UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Jati Satrio UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Chairun Nisa Zempi UPN Veteran Jakarta


The use of a website is a common thing by an institution. Almost every institution and organization in
Indonesia used the website to reaches audiences and provides services. In addition to media information, the
website is also used for branding to marketing goods and services. Therefore, village as the lowest level of
government in Indonesia also needs a website to provide services to villagers, disseminate information about
the village, and marketing main village products. This is a community service article in Baros Village, Serang
Regency, which previously did not have a village website. The community service team facilitated a focusedgroup
discussion (FGD) by presenting village stakeholders to formulate steps to create a website..
