Berbisnis Cerdas Di Era Digital Untuk Siswa-Siswi SMK Global Prima Islamic School Bekasi

  • Jayanti Apri Emarawati UPI Y.A.I
  • Yunita Sari UPI Y.A.I
  • Essy Malays Sari Sakti UPI Y.A.I
  • Erwin Suhandono UPI Y.A.I
Keywords: Business, Digital Marketing, Brand, Internet, Information Technology


Along with advances in information technology, trends in the business world are also increasingly varied.
Having a little knowledge of information technology, business and management, but if you are familiar with computers
and have access to the internet, it is actually enough to be the basic capital to run a business via the internet. One of
the trends in the business world by utilizing information technology is digital marketing. The concept and application
of digital marketing is something that is done to boost product sales from a brand. As we know, the acceptance of
technology and the internet in society is very broad, so it is not surprising that digital marketing activities are the main
choice by companies. As a result, companies compete with each other to create interesting content to display in their
marketing in cyberspace. The number of digital marketing used by companies, proves that digital has many advantages
and benefits that can be obtained. By implementing a digital marketing strategy, the business can run according to the
marketing plan. Easy and practical management will save time and effort, so it will be more focused on business
development plans.
