Pengaruh Kematangan Emosi Dan Dukungan Sosial Teman Sebaya Terhadap Coping Pada Siswa Kelas Xii SMA Plus YPBH Bogor

  • Afiah Nur Fadilah
  • RR Dini Diah Nurhadianti
Keywords: Emotional maturnity, Peer social support, Coping


This study aims to determine the influence of emotional maturnity and peer social support
on coping in students of class XII SMA PLUS YPHB Bogor.The population in this study was
244 students of class XII.The sampling technique in this study was Convenience
sampling.Convenience is where the research sample is the easiest individual or organization
for researchers to find.The measuring instruments used are the emotional maturity scale (16
items ? = 0.805) and the peer social support scale (25 items ? = 0.947).The results showed
a positive influence between Emotional Maturity to Coping by 0.186 and there was a
positive influence between Peer Social Support to Coping of 0.236.Furthermore, the resultsĀ of data analysis with Multiple Regression using IBM SPSS Statistic 22 obtained R square =
0.271and p = 0.000 < 0.5.This shows that there is an Influence of Emotional Maturity and
Peer Social Support on Coping in students of class XII SMA PLUS YPHB Bogor
