Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat Santri Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

  • Shahibah Yuliani
  • Nova Scorviana
Keywords: Covid-19, Clean and Healthy Living Behavior


Protection of children is very important, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic The
application of clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is able to reduce the morbidity
and mortality of school-age children. DKI Jakarta is a province that has a high number of
COVID-19 cases and the Duren Sawit sub-district has not been spared the spread of the
case. There are two Qur'an houses where the students stay. Researcher saw that the
awareness of students in complying with health protocols is still lacking, Because that they
are often found not wearing masks and like to play outside the dormitory. Therefore, this
research article aims to see a description of the clean and healthy living behavior of
students during the COVID-19 pandemic with the research subjects of students at Tahfidz
Al-Maun House and students at Daar El Al-Hufaz. This study uses a descriptive
quantitative method through a survey with a Likert scale supported by interview
techniques. The variables studied were clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS). There
are three categories of quantitative data analysis, high, medium, and low. The results of
this study describe the clean and healthy behavior of students in the aspect of consume nutrition food, sports activities, eradicating mosquito larvae, avoid smoking, and weight
boddies attention, which is classified as high. Then to ensure the cleanliness of the toilets
and environmental sanitation, draining and cleaning the bathroom, and disposing of
garbage have moderate criteria. Meanwhile, in terms of hand cleaning, it is still relatively
