Perancangan Animated Infographics Mengenai Fungsi Niacinamide untuk Kesehatan Kulit untuk generasi Z

  • Tri Hartini Universitas Trilogi
  • Bayyinah Nurul Haqq Universitas Trilogi
Keywords: Animated infographics, Skincare, Educational Media, Instagram, Teenage


Appearance is the first thing people see. With appearance, you can also express yourself. The easiest
thing to change your appearance is to maintain healthy skin because healthy skin is the beginning of beauty.
Skincare is a way to treat and improve appearance. Adolescence has a very drastic change in appearance.
For a good change, the use of skincare containing niacinamide is the right start for teenagers. To provide
this information, it can be package in an attractive way as an educational media using Animated infographics
Video with Pre Production, Production, Post Production methods. Educational media can be obtained from
anywhere. However, for teenagers, Instagram is a social media platform that can be a place to get this
educational media
