Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Untuk Meningktakan Kualitas Sekolah Yang Bercirikan Buddhis

  • haudi haudi STAB DHARMA WIDYA
Keywords: school-based management, Buddhist characteristics, Buddhist values


The management of early childhood education units, basic education, and secondary
education is carried out based on minimum service standards with school/madrasah-based
management principles. The school management in question is a form of autonomy in the
management of education in primary and secondary education units which shows
independence, partnership, cooperation, participation, openness, and responsibility.
Research on the implementation of SBM in the world of education has often been carried
out with the evidence that many journals have been published. Some researchers focus on
the leadership of principals, teachers and the quality of student education. There are no
researchers who have paid attention to the implementation of SBM in schools with
Buddhist characteristics, especially the implementation of Pancasila, the Sigalovada
Sutta, and the Dasa Raja Dhamma. Therefore, the focus of this research is on the
application of Buddhist values that are applied by teachers and students, in teaching and
learning activities as well as in daily life. This study aims to determine whether DS
schools have implemented SBM with Buddhist values. The research was conducted using
descriptive qualitative analysis with primary data sourced from resource persons and key
persons using interview, observation, and documentation methods. The sample taken in
this study amounted to 9 informants. The results of the study show that SBM with
Buddhist values is only implemented by students and some teachers, while teachers,
school officials and administration still have not implemented SBM with Buddhist values
