Implikasi PR Traine terhadap Etika dan Kepribadian Publik Figur di Indon

  • Sherly Putri Handayani FIKOM-UPI Y.A.I
Keywords: Training, ethics, personality, public figures, implications, social responsibility, leadership, integrity, self-awareness


Public figures in Indonesia have an important role in shaping public opinion and influencing
public policy. Therefore, integrity and ethics are crucial in their personality. This study aims
to explore the implications of training on the ethics and personality of public figures in Indonesia.
This study focuses on five main aspects of training that can influence the ethics and personality of
public figures. First, leadership training provides an opportunity for public figures to strengthen
their leadership skills based on ethics and social responsibility. Second, an emphasis on
professional ethics helps them avoid unethical practices in interactions with the public and the
media. In addition, the training also has an impact on their self-awareness, helps them
recognize their strengths and weaknesses and understands their influence on others. Fourth,
through training, public figures can learn to manage stress and emotions better, so they can behave
ethically under pressure and criticism. Finally, the training raises awareness of social impact,
strengthening their responsibilities as public figures. However, keep in mind that training can also
have a negative impact if it does not focus on ethical values and social responsibility. In this
context, it is important for public figures, those providing training, and the public to ensure
that the training has a positive impact in strengthening the integrity and ethics of Indonesian
public figures.
