Hubungan Optimisme dan Dukungan Sosial Keluarga dengan Adversity Quotient pada Siswa Kelas XI MAN 4 Jakarta

  • Salvira Nuryunda Setiadi
  • Selviana Selviana
Keywords: Adversity Quotient, Optimism, Family Social Support


This research is a quantitative study with the aim of knowing the picture of family social
optimism and support with the Adversity Quotient in class XI students of MAN 4 Jakarta. The
sampling technique used cluster random sampling (area sampling). The research sample consisted of
186 students in class XI MAN 4 Jakarta aged 16-18 years and came from the Department of Religion,
Language, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences. Data analysis technique using Correlate Bivariate.
The Correlate Bivariate method data analysis between optimism and Adversity Quotient has a value
of r = 0.782; p = 0.000 and the relationship between family social support and Adversity Quotient has
a value of r = 0.599; p = 0.000. This indicates that there is a significant relationship in a positive
direction between optimism and the Adversity Quotient. In addition, there is a significant relationship
in a positive direction between family social support and Adversity Quotient. Next, data analysis was
carried out with Multiple Correlation to test the relationship between optimism and family social
support with the Adversity Quotient. The result is the value of R = 0.805, R square = 0.648 and p =
0.000 <0.05. This indicates that there is a relationship between optimism and family social support
with the Adversity Quotient in class XI MAN 4 Jakarta students
