K-Pop Idol BTS Dan Lagu-Lagunya Sebagai Stimulus Perilaku Bagi Kaum Muda Untuk Menjaga Kesehatan Mental
The purpose of writing this article is to explain the meaning of BTS songs from a communicator
aspect, where through the message of the songs they can stimulate young people to maintain mental
health and behave more positively. This is a type of qualitative descriptive research using observation,
documentation and literature review methods. Referring to the S-O-R communication theory from
Houland, et. al. where the communicator can provide a stimulus through his messages to the audience
to change or adjust his behavior. Research analysis can explain that BTS has provided a stimulus
through their songs for young people to maintain mental health so that they continue to behave
positively, BTS songs become more meaningful because they are sung by band members who have been
able to fight hard to make their dreams come true, so they are successful have a career in K-Pop music
but still have a healthy mentality. The songs sung by BTS can answer the challenge of maintaining the
mental health of young people by inspiring and motivating young people to behave positively in facing
every problem. BTS members are K-Pop Idols who can be used as role models for good behavior and
fighting spirit for young people.