Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keluhan Nyeri Leher NonSpesifik pada Orang Dewasa Usia Produktif
Neck pain constitutes as one of the musculoskeletal complaints most attributed to a decrease
in productivity. With the increasing number of cases and disabilities associated with the aging
population, the decline in societal productivity due to non-specific neck pain complaints can pose
a significant economic burden. In an effort to enhance the prevention and treatment of neck pain
in productive-aged adults, a review is essential to identify the risk factors that may contribute to
neck pain complaints. This research employs a literature review methodology to gather and
synthesize conclusions from previous studies and existing literature. Factors influencing neck pain
in productive-aged adults can be categorized into non-modifiable risk factors, modifiable risk
factors, psychosocial risk factors, job-related risk factors, and protective psychosocial factors. The
findings from this literature review underscore the need for further research, particularly in the form
of multivariate studies and development of innovative treatments and appropriate interventions.