Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional Dan Self Compassion Terhadap Stress Tolerance Pada Warga Binaan Sosial (Wbs) Wanita Di Panti Sosial Perlindungan Bina Karya Harapan Mulia
This research aims to determine emotional intelligence and self-compassion regarding stress tolerance
in social assistance residents (WBS) women at the Bina Karya Harapan Mulia Protection Social Home.
This research is a quantitative research with a population of residents assisted by social institutions. The
sample used was 106 residents assisted by social institutions. The data collection method uses a scale of
stress tolerance, emotional intelligence, and self-compassion. The data collection system uses techniques
and the data collection process is carried out by paper questionnaires. Normality test uses Kolmogorov-
Smirnov and hypothesis testing uses multiple linear analysis. The normality test on the stress tolerance
scale had a significance value of 0.946 (p > 0.05), the emotional intelligence scale had a significance
value of 0.213 (p > 0.05), the self compassion scale had a significance value of 0.517 (p > 0.05).Based on
the results of research on the emotional intelligence scale, a probability value of sig. p = < 0.001 (p <
0.05); r = 0.407; R2 = 0.166 so that H1 proposed is accepted, namely that there is a positive and
significant influence between emotional intelligence and stress tolerance in social assistance residents
(WBS) women in the Bina Karya Harapan Mulia protection social institution. On the self-compassion
scale, a probability value of sig is obtained. p = 0.018 (p < 0.05); r : 0.230; R2 = 0.053 so that the
proposed H2 is accepted, namely that there is a positive and significant influence between self-
compassion on stress tolerance in social assistance residents (WBS) women in the Bina Karya Harapan
Mulia protection social institution. On the emotional intelligence and self-compassion scale, a
probability sig value was obtained. p = < 0.001 p (< 0.05); F = 15.754 with R2 = 0.234 so that H3
proposed is accepted, namely that there is a positive and significant influence between emotional
intelligence and self-compassion on stress tolerance in social assistance residents (WBS) women in the
Bina Karya Harapan Mulia protection social institution.