Ekonomi Politik Media Dalam Pemberitaan Kasus Korupsi

  • Yunilia Edon
Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis (AWK), Law News, Corruption Cases, Mass Communication, Print Media, Text Analysis


Every mass media is a form of idiology, which is then embraced by journalists in the mass media, and
used in the mass media. The purpose of this research is to find out the uniqueness of the law embraced by the
Javanese magazine, and to determine whether or not something is wrong in the memory. The approach in this
research is paradigm with critical discourse analysis approach (AWK). The source of this study is four texts on
news about the law in the May 2018 edition of the Journal of Justice. While the research data is in the form of
phrases, vocabulary, or sentences analyzed with the following steps: transcribing data from documents (news
text), grouping/ Classifying words, phrases, or words, and background images of key words raised in a context
containing legal ideology, draw conclusions. Data processing techniques using documentation techniques. The
results of this study indicate that in legal cases contains legal ideology that is more pro-people and justice, and
does not produce strength in the news. Sharpness, criticality of managers in issues in their reporting is only a
form of reporting that has no affiliation to the government. The manager's ideology can be seen from the way of
choosing words, phrases, sentences, and quotations that give rise to participation in the news, and evidence of
circulars which are proven to be crimes made and used in the news.
