Hubungan Adversity Quotient dan Dukungan Sosial Teman Sebaya dengan Tingkat Stres Mahasiswa yang Menyelesaikan Skripsi

  • Farah Rizki Rahmawan
  • Selviana Selviana


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between adversity quotient and peer
social support with stress level of final-year Informatics Engineering students at University X
Bekasi. The sampling method in this study used the saturated sampling method with 110
Informatics Engineering students. The instrument of this study uses three scale models, there
are stress scale, adversity quotient scale and peer social support scale. The data analysis
technique in this study is a correlation of bivariate and multivariate using SPSS 25 for
windows.The results of this study indicate:1) there is a positive relationship between adversity
quotient with stress level with coefficient correlation r = .573 and p = .000 <.05, 2) there is a
relationship between peer social support with stress level with coefficient correlation r = .623
and p = .000 <.05; 3) and there is a relationship between adversity quotient and peer social
support with stress level with coefficient correlation R = .654 .The contribution of adversity
quotient and peer social support to stress level is 42,8%, while the rest is a contribution from
other factors not examined
