Gambaran Kreativitas Atlit Catur (Studi Kasus Tentang Kreativitas Atlit Catur)

  • Tanti Susilarini
Keywords: Creativity, Catur


The purpose of this research is to get the creativity depicted on SCUA chess
athletes.In this reasearch the methods used are qualitative research methods with a case
study approach. The sampling taken that was used were three subjects with certain
creoffered that were thought to represent a group of studied phenomena. The subject is a
chess player who has entered a race for both men and women in the age of 10-12th datagathering techniques in this study using interviews, observation and psychological tests.
It was analyzed by reviewing all the available data from various sources, and then being
reduced and examined validity. Based on data analysis, research shows that the
individual checkers seem to have very good creativity, especially in their thinking
patterns, and yet, between verbal and figural creativity, based on the results suggests
that the chess player has a better pattern of figural creativity than the verbal, though not
so much low, In the sense that the chess player's mindset is more practical than the
theoretical mindset
