Pengaruh pembelajaran Experiential Terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Mahasiswa

  • Patris Rahabav


Experiential Learning is a process by which knowledge is created through the transformation of
experiences. The objectives of this research are 1) To find the Experiential Learning Model that is
packaged in the Textbook for the subject: Conflict Management; 2) Knowing the student
achievement motivation before and after the application of the Experiential Learning model in the
subject: Conflict Management. This research report is the first stage report of two research stages
conducted over 2 years to find the Effectiveness of the Experiential Learning Model Development
in the Conflict Management subject to Increase Achievement Motivation and Student Satisfaction
of Teaching and Education Faculty, Pattimura University. The research approaches were research
and development (R & D) in education according to Borg and Gall (in the Jaknov Research Center
Team, 2008). The output of this research was a prototype of the Conflict Management textbook with
the Experiential Learning model, limited socialization and testing of the learning model in one class,
40 students of the Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Teaching and Education Faculty,
Pattimura University, model revisions and measurement of the students achievement motivation
levels before and after the model trial. The data collection technique was done by using a Likert
scale model questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and inferential
statistics, the t test (Paired Samples test). The results of the trial research show that the level of
student achievement motivation after testing the model was categorized as high. In addition, there
was a very significant difference in student learning motivation before and after the model (p <0.01).
Student achievement motivation after the model trial was higher than before.
