Rancang Bangun Sistem Smart Soft Drink Dispenser Menggunakan Raspberry Pi Berbasis Android

  • Sandy Pratama Nugraha
  • Susi Wagiyati Purtiningrum
Keywords: Soft Drinks, Dispensers, Raspberry Pi, Android


In this era of globalization, the development of Science and Technology (IPTEK) is increasingly advanced, especially in the field of technological engineering. This progress has an impact on the daily life patterns of people who are getting busier, and of course it requires technology that makes their work easier and faster. The dispenser which states that this time also has a manual way of operating it by using the wrong button. Therefore we need a dispenser that can only issue soft drink water, the source of which comes from a large soft drink bottle controlled by a microcontroller, namely, raspberry pi and utilizing Android on the user's smartphone as between using the bluetooth connectivity as a communication line between the two devices
