Analisis Faktor-Faktor Keamanan Informasi Perusahaan Dalam Penerapan Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

  • Rifda Aisy Nurillah Universitas Siber Indonesia
  • Agus Trihandoyo Universitas Siber Indonesia
Keywords: Bring Your Own Device, Information Security, Information Security Policy, Security Culture, Employee Training


Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a phenomenon or an activity where employees in an
organization bring their own computer devices to access work. The application of BYOD has
advantages in terms of productivity, effectiveness, and flexibility. However, in practice, companies
realize that BYOD can increase risks or threats related to information security. This research
examines the company's information security factors that are influenced by Mobile Device
Management, information security policy, security culture, and employee training at a banking
company in Indonesia. This analysis aims to determine the factors that influence company
information security when implementing BYOD. Data collection occurs through questionnaires
distributed to employees. Data analysis using the method Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) with
the help of the software SmartPLS. The results of the analysis show that there is an influence
between the factors tested in the model, which obtains a value of R-Square that is 0.666. These
results can be interpreted as indicating that the independent variables in this study, including
Mobile Device Management, information security policies, security culture, and employee
training, affect the dependent variable, namely company information security by 66.6%.
