Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Skala Penilaian Perilaku Untuk Membantu Diagnosa Autism Spectrum Disorder Pada Anak Berbasis Web

  • Hindariyani Indri Dwita Utami Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I
  • Sularso Budi Laksono Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I
Keywords: Autism, Fuzzy Logic, Early Detection, Symptoms,Children,Growth


Everyone's growth will be different. This process occurs from infancy to adulthood. Growth
cannot be measured in any way. However, it may be felt. Child growth should be gradual and
consistent, with several components of child development working in parallel. However, Several
criteria should be evaluated as they may suggest developmental problems in young children, one of
which is autistic symptoms. Autism is a severe neurodevelopmental disease that impairs a child's
capacity to learn interact and socialize with others.
It is difficult to recognize autistic children because it takes time. A person with possible
autistic symptoms cannot be diagnosed with just the common sense of parents based on facts
gathered. A strategy is needed to assess and identify symptoms in children with autism, especially
fuzzy logic. The algorithm will develop techniques based on the degree of autism. Based on the
symptoms shown by the child, this technique will produce a system in the form of autism severity.
