Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Sekolah Berbasis Web Untuk Komunikasi Antara Guru Dan Orang Tua Murid Di SDN Harapan Jaya II Bekasi Menggunakan Metode String Matching
In the current era of rapid scientific and technological progress, information plays an
important role in driving progress in various fields. Information technology and computers
play an important role in facilitating human work and in solving various problems. This
research aims to design and build a web-based school information system that facilitates
communication between teachers and parents at SDN Harapan Jaya II Bekasi. This system
was developed using the String Matching method to increase efficiency in searching and
delivering information. With this system, it is hoped that communication between teachers
and parents will be more effective and structured, and can support the overall teaching and
learning process. The research results show that the system developed is able to meet the
communication and information needs of the school well.