Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Objek Wisata Kabupaten Berau Menggunakan Metode Additive Ration Assessment (ARAS)
Indonesia is a country that is famous for its natural wealth and tourist destinations worldwide, and it is spread
out in various regions. One of the regions in East Kalimantan that is popular and often visited by tourists
every year because it is famous for its stunning underwater tourist destinations is the Berau Regency.
According to the East Kalimantan Tourism Office, this district has the highest number of tourist attractions
in East Kalimantan, which is 224. Many tourist attractions trigger confusion among tourists when deciding
which alternative option to visit. Therefore, this research aims to build a decision support system to assist
tourists in getting alternative tourism recommendations that are appropriate and to their needs. The method
used in this research is the Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) method. There are 30 alternative attractions
and 5 criteria: facilities, safety, cleanliness, cost, and distance. The results show that the ARAS method can
recommend the best alternative to tourist attractions. The accuracy testing results using the confusion matrix
method get a percentage value of 80%.