Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile Android Dan Web "Host Kita" Untuk Ekosistem Promosi UMKM

  • Maulana Fajar Lazuardi Universitas Esa Unggul
  • Malabay Universitas Esa Unggul
Keywords: android, msme, rad, live streaming, e-commerce


The Host Kita Android application is an innovative solution that allows SMEs (Small and Medium
Enterprises) to access and utilize services from Live Streaming Hosts more easily. This application
emerges in response to current trends; many SMEs aim to leverage the promotional potential of
live streaming on E-commerce platforms due to increased revenue following the implementation
of live streaming business strategies. However, they often cannot afford to hire a full-time Live
Streaming Host, either due to budget constraints or small business scale. With the presence of the
Host Kita application, SMEs can still utilize Live Streaming Host services to promote their
products. Thus, the role of the Host Kita application and Live Streaming Host services becomes
more effective and positively impactful. The design process of this application uses the RAD
(Rapid Application Development) method, comprising four stages: Project Requirements,
Prototype, Rapid Construction Feedback, and Implementation. This application is equipped with
various features that will make it easier for MSMEs in their business processes. It is hoped that
through this application, SMEs can continue to grow significantly with the assistance of Live
Streaming Host services, and the SME business ecosystem can strengthen. The Host Kita
application has the potential to become a highly useful tool in supporting the promotion and marketing efforts of SME products on increasingly competitive E-commerce platforms, particularly on TikTok.
