Penerapan Algoritma Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Untuk Menentukan Pola Penindakan Lalu Lintas

  • Roni Anagora
  • Amat Damuri
  • Gempa Hendratna
  • Arman Syah Putra
Keywords: Algorithms, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Decision Tree, Systems


The background of this research is to make intelligent actions that can be applied to crack down
on the highway, with smart measures, the human side can be eliminated and all can be done with
the system, so it will eliminate the mistakes that can be made by humans. The method used by
reading a lot of journals as a basis for research, with a lot of reading will deepen the research topic
in search, reading can also add knowledge and can find new problems that can be raised in a study.
By using the system, it will make it easier for the police to supervise and act on traffic violations
on the highway, the lack of police personnel in DKI Jakarta is one of the problems that results in
lack of supervision and action and can only conduct raids at any time, Application of Analytical
Hierarchy Process Algorithm (AHP) And Decision Tree by making a system will greatly help the
police. In this study, the authors make a proposed action system that can be used to carry out traffic
control on the road by applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Decision Tree
Algorithm, by making a system of personnel shortages problem can be solved and in the future the police only do direct action if the problem is already serious and requires police personnel at the
