Penerapan Kerangka Kerja Scrum Pada Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pelaporan Hasil Questioner Dosen Universitas Matana

  • Simon Prananta Barus
  • F. Anthon Pangruruk
Keywords: scrum, reporting information system, questioner, UML, web, dashboard


The utilization of information technology (IT) in an organization can support transparency, efficiency, effectiveness, automation and communication of its activities or processes.. The utilization of IT can also be applied in the field of education, such as evaluating lecturers through questionnaires by students. There are several obstacles when evaluating lecturers at Matana, such as errors in entering data or errors in data processing, taking a long time to enter and process data, lack of transparency, limitations in processing data. Efforts to reduce these obstacles through ITbased information systems. The Scrum framework was chosen because it saves time and money, and also immediately addresses changes that occur in the design and construction activities of the Matana lecturer questionnaire reporting information system. This information system design applies an object-oriented approach, the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The information system for reporting the results of the Matana university lecturers' questionnaire was completed. This information system is web-based with PHP as the back end and JavaScript as the front end. The database management system (DBMS) uses MySQL and the web server uses Apache. Questioner reporting applies a dashboard model.
