Informatika : Jurnal Komputer dan Informatika2025-03-03T09:40:39+07:00Sularso Journal Systems<p>Journal for the publication of papers in the field of Informatics include majors Informatics Management, Information Systems, Informatics Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering and other Informatics majors. Published 3 times a year in March, July and November.</p> <p>P-ISSN : <a title="2580-4316" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2580-4316</a></p> <p>E-ISSN : <a title="2654-8054" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2654-8054</a></p> <p>DOI : <a href="">10.37817/ikraith-informatika</a></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Akreditasi Jurnal:</strong></span></p> <p><a href=""><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><img src="/public/site/images/rachmad/INFORMATIKA_0013.png"></strong></span></a></p> dan Implementasi Virtual Tour Sebagai Media Promosi Inovatif Pada Fakultas Ilmu Komputer2024-10-31T23:51:55+07:00Muhammad Adhe Nur<p>Esa Unggul University has experienced a decline in the number of applicants for the Faculty of<br>Computer Science, particularly in the Information Technology and Information Systems programs.<br>To address this issue, a Virtual Tour application based on Virtual Reality (VR) was developed<br>using Unity and Oculus Quest 2 as a promotional tool. This application provides a deeper insight<br>into the campus facilities, enhancing prospective students' interest. The development method used<br>is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC), encompassing planning, design, development,<br>testing, and implementation stages. Testing results indicate that this application is effective in<br>attracting new student interest. The Virtual Tour application has proven to be an innovative and<br>beneficial promotional tool for Esa Unggul University.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Bangun Sistem Digitalisasi Pengarsipan (E-SIP) Berbasis Website2024-10-31T23:54:14+07:00Calvin Dicky<p>An organization can never be separated from administrative activities. Archives<br>are an activity that cannot be separated from administrative activities. Archives play<br>an important role for organizations because archives are used to store and maintain<br>important records or documents related to the organization's activities. Apart from<br>that, archives also help organizations to avoid the risk of losing information or<br>documents that could be considered valuable. By having well-organized archives,<br>organizations will find it easier to access the information they need. In the past,<br>archives were managed manually, such as notebooks and documents which were<br>still in the form of paper, which required storage space and required time in the search process. Therefore, nowadays many organizations choose to switch to digital<br>archiving, which is an easier and faster process than manual archiving. Archives<br>management at BRIDA East Java Province has not been carried out using a digital<br>system. To minimize risks in archival storage, it is better to change the manual<br>records management system to a digital archive. The preparation of this final<br>assignment used qualitative research methods. Qualitative research usually collects<br>data by conducting observations, interviews, and documenting research activities.<br>Because archiving in BRIDA East Java Province is still done manually, in this<br>research a website-based design idea called Electronic Archives (E-SIP) was<br>designed to simplify the digital archiving process. With the creation of this design,<br>it is hoped that it will facilitate the management of archives at BRIDA East Java<br>Province and that archiving can be carried out digital.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Sistem Manajemen Log untuk Penanggulangan Serangan Server dengan SIEM2024-10-30T10:01:43+07:00Willy Permana Burjuliusburjuliusrenol@gmail.comMuhammad Anis Al Hilmialhilmi1@gmail.comA.<p>In the current digital era, information security has become a primary focus for organizations<br>worldwide. Rapid technological advancements have brought significant benefits but also<br>introduced increasingly sophisticated cyber threats and attacks. One approach to addressing these<br>challenges is through Security Information and Event Management (SIEM). SIEM integrates<br>Security Information Management (SIM) and Security Event Management (SEM) to collect,<br>analyze, and report security data from various network sources, enabling more effective detection,<br>response, and management of security incidents. This study focuses on handling server attacks<br>using Wazuh SIEM as an early warning system. The methodology involves setting up a network<br>topology to detect Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks using SIEM, collecting and<br>analyzing log data, correlating data to identify threats, and responding to detected threats. The<br>results indicate that SIEM is crucial in modern cybersecurity, providing real-time threat detection<br>and response capabilities. The system successfully detected and blocked 42 attacks during the<br>trial. In conclusion, SIEM offers greater security visibility and control, enabling organizations to<br>detect and respond to complex security threats efficiently and effectively. Modern SIEM systems,<br>equipped with advanced analytics and machine learning, can identify anomaly patterns and new<br>threats, thus strengthening an organization's cybersecurity defenses.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Internet of Things Pada Kandang Jangkrik Berbasis Arduino Uno R32025-01-02T10:03:02+07:00Lilik Hari Santosolilik.hs@yahoo.comSachrur Ramadhansachrur.ramadhan@gmail.comNizirwan Budhi<p>The development and advancement of technology today are becoming increasingly complex,<br>with one of the significant advancements being the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. IoT has<br>been implemented in various sectors, particularly in the livestock sector. However, there are still<br>issues where cricket farmers continue to use conventional methods in the breeding process,<br>resulting in suboptimal processes and leading to the death of their livestock. The aim of this<br>research is to develop a system that applies IoT technology to assist cricket farmers in managing<br>the breeding process within cricket enclosures. These farmers face challenges in feeding their<br>crickets and controlling the temperature and humidity within the enclosures.The research method<br>is carried out by collecting needs, designing a system in the form of a system design, and<br>implementing the system. The system uses Arduino uno R3 as a control center, RTC DS3231 as a<br>timer for feed using a servo motor, DHT11 to detect temperature and humidity in the cage which<br>will activate the fan and heating lamp as a solution. The system uses the NodeMCU ESP8266 wifi<br>module which is connected to the Blynk application to monitor temperature and humidity in the<br>cage. With this system, it helps make it easier for cricket farmers in the cultivation process.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Bangun Aplikasi Ticketing Service Desk Teknologi Informasi Berbasis Website2024-10-30T10:02:25+07:00Ruswan Hidayatruswan.hidayat@gmail.comNizirwan<p>Service Desk is a single point of contact (SPOC) between IT (Information Technology) service<br>users and IT service providers. Service Desks are the main entry point for users to get information<br>technology-related assistance. They act as intermediaries between users and other IT teams,<br>ensuring that problems are resolved efficiently and effectively. This research aims to design and<br>build a ticketing application for the service desk unit, by applying service level agreement to the<br>application. The application built is expected to be a means of supporting activities at the service<br>desk as well as being able to provide certainty for service users regarding the time required until<br>the problem report is followed up.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Aplikasi Sistem Absensi Guru Dan Karyawan Berbasis Web Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan2024-10-30T10:03:44+07:00Fraska Drahma Putrawow.fraska.dp@gmail.comNizirwan<p>The development of information technology is quite extensive and global and has had a changing impact on all aspects of<br>human life. In the field of education, information technology is very necessary in order to support the performance of<br>education so that it can be useful in building an intelligent and competitive generation, one of which is at Global Persada<br>Vocational School. Based on observations, Global Persada Vocational School does not yet have a teacher and employee<br>attendance system for processing teacher absence data. The obstacles that are often encountered in manual processing of<br>absentee data are that it is very slow, ineffective, and makes it difficult for school principals to manage and check data on<br>teachers who are present, and is even prone to losing absenteeism recap data. The aim of this research is to design and<br>build a Web-based attendance system for processing teacher and employee attendance data for Global Persada<br>Vocational School to make it easier to process teacher and employee attendance data. In building the teacher and<br>employee attendance system, the author used the SDLC method with the Waterfall model in designing the system and<br>produced a system with a simple interface that can help present accurate and relevant value data processing information.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Algoritma Multi-Factor Evaluation Process Pada Website Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Minat Siswa2024-10-30T10:03:58+07:00Fajar Pratamafajarpratama0115@gmail.comAgung Mulyo<p>After graduating from high school, students often have difficulty in determining the right major.<br>The challenges faced include the lack of clear guidelines and criteria in choosing a major, as well<br>as the selection process which is still traditional and subjective. To overcome these obstacles, this<br>article suggests the implementation of a website-based Decision Support System (DSS) using the<br>Multi-Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP) algorithm. This DSS was developed to help students<br>choose a major that suits their interests and potential. The methods used in this study include<br>literature studies, observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of the study indicate<br>that the use of a web-based DSS with the MFEP algorithm is able to provide more effective and<br>objective recommendations in helping students choose a major.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Monitoring Pegawai ASN Kelurahan Pademangan Timur2024-10-31T23:55:24+07:00Muhammad<p>This study aims to design, develop, and test an Android-based monitoring application for Civil<br>Servants (ASN) in Kelurahan Pademangan Timur using the prototypemethod. The background of<br>the study highlights the need for an effective system for managing ASN performance at the village<br>level and the lack of research focusing on similar applications at this level. The problem<br>identification points to the absence of an integrated system, limited information accessibility, lack<br>of transparency, insufficient use of information technology, and gaps in previous research. This<br>study produces an application that enables effective monitoring and management of ASN<br>performance, with benefits such as increased efficiency, transparency, user satisfaction, and<br>contributions to the development of information technology in the public sector. The results of this<br>study are expected to provide a reference for the development of similar applications in other<br>regions of Indonesia.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) ERP Odoo Modul Point of Sale untuk Meningkatkan Operasional Ritel di Toko Ezie2024-10-30T10:04:30+07:00Ade Irmayantiadeirmaaiy@gmail.comNiken Wulandariwniken224@gmail.comAyu<p>Toko Ezie, a retail business in Nanga Bulik, Lamandau Regency, Central Kalimantan, specializes<br>in selling furniture, household appliances, and bedroom accessories. Established in 2010, Toko<br>Ezie still manages its operations manually, particularly in sales recording, inventory management,<br>and financial tracking. This manual system causes problems such as data inconsistency, recording<br>errors, and operational inefficiencies. This research aims to analyze the requirements and benefits<br>of implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, specifically the Point of Sale<br>(POS) module, to improve Toko Ezie's operational efficiency and effectiveness. This study uses a<br>qualitative descriptive approach with a case study method. Data were collected through<br>interviews, observations, and documentation from the owner and staff of Toko Ezie. The research<br>findings indicate that the implementation of an Odoo-based ERP system in the POS module will<br>automate sales processes, monitor stock in real-time, and streamline financial recording. The<br>integration between the POS, inventory, and financial modules is expected to minimize manual<br>errors, improve data accuracy, and optimize customer service. This ERP implementation is<br>anticipated to provide a long-term solution for enhancing the business performance of Toko Ezie.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Pemasaran Digital dalam Pengembangan Agrowisata Kisuci di Desa Cipambuan, Babakan Madang, Bogor2024-10-31T23:56:51+07:00Essy Malays Sari S.<p>Cipambuan Village is one of the villages in the Sentul circle and has the potential to be developed<br>into an agrotourism village. Currently the village is managed by the Kisuci community, which is a<br>community that focuses on environmental issues, especially on preserving the Cikeas River,<br>mitigating climate change, raising public awareness in managing natural resources sustainably<br>with the hope of improving the welfare of the surrounding community through the ecotourism<br>sector. The development of Kisuci ecotourism is not progressing quickly, this is because the Kisuci<br>tourist destination is not yet widely known by tourists and prospective tourists. This research aims<br>to examine the facilities owned by the Kisuci tourist destination so that they can be promoted<br>through digital marketing. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach,<br>data collection techniques are observation, interviews and literature review. The findings showed<br>that the management had not used digital marketing strategies, did not have tours for children and<br>did not have program packages that could be sold to schools. The recommended marketing<br>strategy is a strategy through digital marketing on social media advertising, promotional content and viral marketing using endorsements. It is hoped that the recommended strategy can be<br>implemented to increase tourists visiting the Kisuci tourist destination</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Aplikasi Penjualan Online Berbasis WEB Pada Toko Kokoon Store Lamandau2024-10-30T10:07:10+07:00Ade Irmayantiadeirmaaiy@gmail.comMoh. Sigit<p>One of the applications needed in the business world, especially in terms of technology, is this<br>online sales application. Where currently, society and businesses are influenced by technology.<br>Moreover, when it comes to the Internet, many societies and even companies use Internet<br>connections for various purposes. One of them is that they can make purchases and sales online,<br>known as e-commerce, which allows customers to make transactions anytime and anywhere. In<br>today's internet era, selling shoes online has become a popular trend. However, the Kokoon Store<br>Lamandau which sells various types of shoes does not yet have an application that can help<br>customers make purchases online. The purpose of this research is to help customers use the Internet<br>as a tool to make purchases anytime and anywhere they want. A systematic approach modified<br>into the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) model is used in the design and development of<br>this online sales system. It is hoped that this application will help Kokoon stores increase sales and<br>market their products.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Calon Pegawai Honorer Pemerintah Kabupaten Lamandau Menggunakan Metode Profile Matching2024-10-30T10:07:30+07:00Ade Irmayantiadeirmaaiy@gmail.comEndah Rahmawatiendahrahmawati2911@gmail.comMaya<p>This study aims to design a Decision Support System (DSS) that implements the Profile Matching<br>method for the selection of honorary employees in the Lamandau District Government. The often<br>non-systematic selection process results in less objective decisions, necessitating a system that can<br>enhance effectiveness and transparency in decision-making. The Profile Matching method is used<br>to compare the profiles of candidates with predetermined criteria, leading to a fairer and more<br>accurate selection process. Data were collected through interviews with relevant stakeholders in<br>the Lamandau District Government, which were then analyzed to identify appropriate selection<br>criteria. The findings indicate that the application of DSS can reduce subjectivity and improve<br>clarity in the evaluation process. Additionally, the designed computer-based system facilitates<br>faster data processing and presents information in a more comprehensible manner. Thus, this<br>research is expected to make a significant contribution to the development of employee selection<br>systems in local government and enhance the quality of human resources in public service. The<br>implementation of information technology in DSS is anticipated to serve as a reference for future<br>research in decision-making and human resource management.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Model Rational Unified Process (RUP) Dalam Membangun Aplikasi Promosi dan Penjualan Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: Toko Mie Ayam “Neng Kene Kiyeh”)2024-10-30T10:09:13+07:00Yudi Irawan Chandrayirawanc@gmail.comDiyah Ruri Irawatidiyah.ruri@gmail.comMarti<p>This research discusses the application of the Rational Unified Process (RUP) Model in the<br>development of web-based promotion and sales applications, with a case study at the Chicken Noodle Shop<br>“Neng Kene Kiyeh”. The purpose of this research is to design and implement applications that can increase<br>the efficiency of promotion and sales of chicken noodle products through digital platforms. The RUP<br>method was chosen because of its iterative approach and focus on user needs, allowing for more structured<br>and controlled software development. The RUP model consists of four main phases: inception, elaboration,<br>construction, and transition. In the inception phase, a needs identification and feasibility study are conducted<br>to ensure that the application to be developed matches the business needs of the store. The elaboration phase<br>involves more in-depth analysis and system design, including use case modeling, risk analysis, and<br>application architecture design. In the construction phase, application development is carried out with an<br>iterative approach, allowing for improvements and adjustments based on user feedback. The transition<br>phase involves application testing and end-user training, as well as full system implementation. The result of<br>this research is a web application that has main features such as product catalog, online ordering system, inventory management, and integrated digital promotion. The implementation of this application is expected<br>to increase the visibility of Chicken Noodle Shop “Neng Kene Kiyeh” in the digital market, simplify the<br>ordering process for customers, and increase sales. The trial shows that this application can function as<br>expected, and provides significant benefits in the store's operational processes. The conclusion of this<br>research is that the application of the RUP model can be an effective approach in building web-based<br>promotional and sales applications, with a focus on meeting user needs and improving business<br>performance.</p> <p> </p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Pengelolaan Karyawan dan Proyek Melalui Sistem Berbasis Web di PT Raja Perkasa2024-11-01T18:06:28+07:00Fachrul Pralienka Bani<p>PT Raja Perkasa, a construction company, faces challenges in operational management and employee performance. This study aims to develop a web-based management system to address these issues. The application includes management of portfolios, partner data, collaboration proposals, project data, and employee information, along with attendance tracking. Additional features include leave management, resignation processing, and issuing warnings to employees. The Waterfall method was applied, covering requirement analysis, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Laravel served as the framework, while MySQL was used as the database management system, enhancing development efficiency and effectiveness. After local testing, the application was hosted for user access. During maintenance, bug fixes were performed, and user satisfaction was measured through questionnaires from 23 respondents, comprising seven user types: admin, project manager, owner, HR, employees, company partners, and application visitors. Results indicate strong agreement among all user types that the application features met their needs and provided a positive experience. However, further development is needed to add employee recruitment, project scheduling, and financial management features, with an emphasis on data security. This application aims to strengthen PT Raja Perkasa's position in the construction industry and improve project management and employee productivity</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Bangun Dashboard Berbasis Website Untuk Monitoring Penjualan (Studi Kasus: Toko Kopi Gans Jakarta Timur)2024-11-26T11:31:01+07:00Dika Muhammad<p>Di era digital saat ini, pemanfaatan teknologi informasi sangat penting untuk meningkatkan efisiensi<br>dan efektivitas operasional bisnis, termasuk dalam pengelolaan penjualan pada kedai kopi. Penelitian<br>ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun sebuah dashboard berbasis website yang dapat<br>digunakan untuk memonitoring penjualan pada kedai kopi. Dashboard ini dikembangkan untuk<br>memberikan visualisasi data penjualan secara real-time, memungkinkan manajemen untuk mengakses<br>informasi penting seperti jumlah penjualan, produk terlaris, dan analisis tren penjualan. Pengembangan<br>dashboard ini menggunakan metode Web Development Life Cycle (WDLC) adalah metode yang<br>digunakan untuk pembuatan website. Metode WDLC memiliki beberapa tahapan, yaitu:<br>Planning, Analysis, Design and Development, dan Implementation and Maintenance.Hasil dari<br>penelitian ini adalah sebuah dashboard yang responsif, user-friendly, dan dapat diakses dari berbagai<br>perangkat, yang mampu menyajikan informasi secara cepat dan akurat. Dengan adanya dashboard ini,<br>diharapkan dapat membantu manajemen dalam mengambil keputusan yang lebih tepat berdasarkan data<br>yang ada, serta meningkatkan efisiensi operasional kedai kopi.</p>2024-11-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Bangun Sistem Informasi Inventory Pengendalian Persediaan Dengan Metode EOQ Berbasis Website pada Gass Vapestore Jakarta2024-11-26T11:30:59+07:00Muhammad Rayhan Muhammad<p>Dengan kemajuan pesat dalam teknologi informasi, ada peluang besar untuk meningkatkan efisiensi<br>dan akurasi dalam berbagai bidang, seperti manajemen persediaan. Gass Vapestore, sebuah UMKM<br>yang bergerak di bidang penjualan perangkat vape dan aksesoris, saat ini menghadapi masalah besar<br>dalam mengelola data persediaan. Ketika sistem pencatatan manual digunakan, proses pemantauan stok<br>menjadi lebih lama, terutama ketika jumlah transaksi barang meningkat. Masalah ini dapat<br>menyebabkan kelebihan stok, yang meningkatkan biaya penyimpanan, dan kekurangan stok, yang dapat<br>mengganggu operasional bisnis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menciptakan dan menerapkan<br>sistem informasi inventory yang menggunakan teknologi terbaru untuk meningkatkan efisiensi<br>pengelolaan persediaan di Gass Vapestore. Sistem ini akan memantau ketersediaan stok secara realtime<br>dan menggunakan metode Order Quantity Economic untuk mengoptimalkan pengelolaan<br>persediaan.</p>2024-11-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) YouTube Sebagai Alat Pencarian Informasi Untuk Diversifikasi Produk Stroberi pada UMKM Desa Lebakmuncang Ciwidey.2024-11-26T11:31:09+07:00I Gede Agus Anno Wagiyati<p>Desa Lebakmuncang Ciwidey menjadi sentra produksi stroberi dengan mayoritas<br>masyarakatnya bergantung pada pertanian dan perkebunan. Namun, banyak pelaku Usaha<br>Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di desa ini masih bergantung pada produk segar<br>tanpa memanfaatkan potensi diversifikasi menjadi produk olahan seperti selai, jus, dan<br>makanan ringan. Diversifikasi produk menjadi strategi penting untuk meningkatkan daya<br>saing dan keberlanjutan usaha UMKM. YouTube sebagai platform berbagi video terbesar<br>menawarkan informasi yang dapat membantu UMKM dalam diversifikasi produk. Namun,<br>tantangan muncul dalam mengukur efektivitas platform ini dalam konteks diversifikasi<br>produk stroberi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas YouTube sebagai<br>sumber informasi dan menilai dampak informasi tersebut terhadap keputusan diversifikasi<br>produk pelaku UMKM stroberi di Desa Lebakmuncang Ciwidey. Hasil penelitian<br>menunjukkan bahwa YouTube terbukti efektif sebagai sumber informasi untuk<br>diversifikasi produk stroberi. Semua indikator yang diteliti memberikan hasil positif,<br>dengan kegunaan informasi sebagai faktor terpenting. Informasi yang tersedia di YouTube<br>memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap diversifikasi produk UMKM, memungkinkan<br>mereka untuk belajar, berinovasi, dan menjangkau audiens baru. Penelitian ini<br>merekomendasikan agar UMKM memanfaatkan YouTube secara optimal, mendorong<br>pembuat konten untuk menyediakan informasi yang lebih relevan, serta mengusulkan<br>perbaikan pada desain portal untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna. Pengembangan<br>UMKM stroberi di Desa Lebakmuncang Ciwidey diharapkan dapat meningkatkan<br>kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat setempat dan memanfaatkan potensi lokal secara<br>maksimal.</p>2024-11-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Prototipe Aplikasi Blast Message Untuk Efektivitas Pemasaran2025-01-05T19:55:03+07:00Elsa Diana Putrielsadianri10@gmail.comTri Ismardiko<p>Efektivitas komunikasi pemasaran menjadi krusial di era digital. Aplikasi <em>blast message</em> menawarkan solusi efisien untuk menyebarkan informasi penjualan, namun implementasinya perlu dilakukan secara strategis dan etis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei terhadap 150 pelaku bisnis di Indonesia yang telah menggunakan aplikasi <em>blast message</em> minimal 1 tahun. Data dianalisis menggunakan <em>Confirmatory Factor Analysis</em> (CFA) dan uji reliabilitas <em>Cronbach's alpha</em>. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengembangkan prototipe aplikasi <em>blast message</em> dengan metode <em>Rapid Prototyping</em> yang meliputi tahapan pengumpulan kebutuhan, perancangan, pembuatan prototipe, evaluasi, dan perbaikan. Mayoritas responden menggunakan WhatsApp sebagai platform utama untuk mengirimkan <em>blast message</em>. Prototipe aplikasi yang dikembangkan memiliki fitur-fitur seperti <em>WA Blaster</em>, <em>Verify DB</em>, dan <em>WA Config</em> untuk memudahkan pelaku bisnis dalam menyebarkan informasi penjualan secara efektif. Aplikasi <em>blast message</em> memiliki potensi besar untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pemasaran. Pengembangan prototipe aplikasi dengan fitur-fitur yang mudah digunakan dan terintegrasi dapat membantu pelaku bisnis mengoptimalkan strategi pemasaran mereka.</p>2024-11-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Kasus Pemodelan Sistem Penjualan Stiker: Implementasi UML dengan Python dan PlantUML2025-01-07T10:05:19+07:00Muhamad Eriza Yusuperizayusuf96@gmail.comNizirwan<p>Perancangan sistem yang terstruktur dan terdokumentasi dengan baik merupakan kunci keberhasilan pengembangan perangkat lunak. Pemodelan UML (Unified Modeling Language) menjadi salah satu pendekatan yang penting dalam merepresentasikan sistem secara visual. Penelitian ini mendemonstrasikan pemanfaatan diagram UML (Use Case, Class, Sequence, dan Activity) untuk memodelkan sistem penjualan stiker berbasis aplikasi mobile. Diagram tersebut dibuat dengan memanfaatkan library plantuml pada bahasa pemrograman Python. Kode Python berhasil menghasilkan visualisasi diagram UML yang komprehensif, menggambarkan interaksi pengguna, alur proses, dan struktur sistem. Use Case Diagram menunjukkan fungsionalitas sistem dari sudut pandang pengguna. Class Diagram memodelkan struktur data dan relasi antar entitas. Sequence Diagram mengilustrasikan interaksi antar objek, sedangkan Activity Diagram memperjelas alur aktivitas dalam sistem. Pemanfaatan plantuml pada Python memudahkan pembuatan dan pemeliharaan dokumentasi UML. Pendekatan ini meningkatkan efisiensi dan akurasi dalam perancangan sistem, memfasilitasi komunikasi antar developer, dan mendukung proses pengembangan perangkat lunak yang lebih efektif.</p>2024-11-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) Aplikasi Web Gamas Untuk Monitoring Gangguan Jaringan Real-Time Berbasis Metodologi Rapid Application Development2025-01-11T18:45:02+07:00Muhamad Hadi Nur Ismardiko<p>Gangguan jaringan massal (GAMAS) merupakan salah satu tantangan utama dalam layanan internet yang dapat memengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan pengembangan aplikasi web GAMAS berbasis metode <em>Rapid Application Development</em> (RAD) untuk memonitor, mempercepat penanganan, dan mem-visualisasikan data gangguan secara real-time. Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk digunakan oleh Agent Command Center (ACC) yang bertugas 24 jam dalam memonitor kejadian GAMAS, memperbarui progres penanganan, dan menghasilkan laporan. Fitur-fitur utama meliputi login aman, pemantauan kejadian, pembaruan status, dan ekspor data. Hasil implementasi menunjukkan aplikasi berfungsi sesuai harapan berdasarkan pengujian Blackbox Testing, dengan seluruh fitur bekerja optimal. Aplikasi ini meningkatkan efisiensi penanganan GAMAS dan memberikan informasi transparan kepada pelanggan, sehingga diharapkan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan terhadap layanan. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan pengembangan lebih lanjut untuk menambah keamanan melalui verifikasi OTP dan peningkatan performa aplikasi.</p>2024-11-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) e-Learning Berbasis Website Sebagai Metode Belajar Mengajar Pada SMA Bina Pengudi Luhur2025-03-03T09:40:39+07:00Yunita Daniel Hamonanganandhikadaniel17@gmail.comAbdus<p>Perkembangan teknologi informasi memberikan andil besar terhadap perubahan mendasar pada semua bidang, terutama pada bidang pendidikan yang mengalami pembaruan dalam metode belajar mengajar. e-Learning merupakan pengembangan metode belajar mengajar saat ini, dimana proses belajar mengajar tidak lagi dilakukan dengan cara bertatap muka, melainkan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi jarak jauh. Dalam proses belajar mengajar, SMA Bina Pangudi Luhur masih menggunakan metode konvensional yang dilakukan di dalam kelas secara tatap muka, dan menggunakan platform Whatsapp sebagai media komunikasi dalam pembelajaran. Dengan mengikuti tren digitalisasi, mendorong SMA Bina Pangudi Luhur untuk membuat e-Learning berbasis website sebagai metode belajar mengajar yang dapat diakses oleh guru dan siswa dimanapun dan kapanpun dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan.</p>2024-11-04T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c)