Penerapan Dekonstruksi dalam Perancangan Bangunan Cinema Complex di Kabupaten Garut

  • Euis Puspita Dewi Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI
  • Dena Rahmana Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI
  • Siti Sujatini Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI
Keywords: cinema complex, cinema, deconstruction, design, Kabupaten Garut


The purpose of this research is to apply the concept of Deconstruction Architecture to the design
of the Cinema Complex in Garut Regency. The Cinema Complex is a cinema building which is
also facilitated by other functions, so that it is accommodating to conditions that are facing
recovery towards the Covid 19 Pandemic. The world of entertainment and the community is a
necessity to overcome boredom, which during the pandemic imposed restrictions on most
activities. In Garut Regency, the existence of the Cinema Complex is something new. With the high
potential of young people, a different and up-to-date Cinema Complex design is needed. Therefore,
the Deconstruction approach is very suitable to be applied in the design of the building form.
Through this approach, it is expected to produce a Cinema Complex building that can become a
city icon and provide passion for the community after the pandemic.
