Eksplorasi Serat Kapuk Dengan Pewarna Kulit Ubi Ungu dan Teknik Felting

  • Nurrika Chandra Universitas Trilogi
  • Yunita Fitra Andriana Universitas Trilogi
  • Dedy Rachmad Setiawardhana Universitas Trilogi
Keywords: Kapuk, Ubi Ungu, Felting


The kapok tree or commonly called the randu kapok tree, is a multifunctional plant that is easily
found in Indonesia. In the industrial world, kapok is most widely used for stuffing pillows,
mattresses and other objects to increase volume. But nowadays kapok is rarely in demand because
people prefer mattress products with foam and spring base materials. So far, kapok processing has
not been optimal, with this research it is hoped that kapok can be a material that is on the surface
of objects, no longer just as a filling. The series of exploration processes in this study used natural
purple sweet potato skin dye and felting technique. The results of the exploration are expected to
optimize the visual character of kapok fiber so that it has aesthetic value
