Penerapan Konsep Kaizen Untuk Menurunkan Lead Time Express Maintenance Pada PT Indomobil Trada Nasional Depok

  • Ismail Adiyoso Putro


Consistency of the quality of a service will affect the survival or lack of such a company in
the needs of a very diverse market, so an effort is needed in the management of the company with
control and improvement of quality. Kaizen is one way of continuous improvement that involves
everyone both managers and employees to get optimal results. The purpose of the research is to
identify any obstacles that occur in the process of working on express maintenance as well as to
find the right and good solution to lower lead time in express maintenance. Then kaizen concept
was applied to lower lead time express maintenance at PT Indomobil Trada Nasional. There are
some problems: the creation of old spare parts, indirect parking fittings, incomplete tools, neatly
arranged tools, and irregular workflows. After improvement, lead time express maintenance
dropped from each work, PMS 10,000 KM dropped 8 minutes, PMS 20,000 KM dropped by 12
minutes, and PMS 40,000 KM dropped by 4 minutes. As well as the total cost that can be
trimmed after kaizen is 3,720,000 rupiah.
