Identifikasi dan Strategi Pengembangan Potensi Desa Wisata Alternatif di Desa Pringkasap Kecamatan Pabuaran Kabupaten Subang

  • Farida Farida UPI Y.A.I
  • Lidia Djuhardi UPI Y.A.I
  • Nana Trisnawati UPI Y.A.I
  • Estu Mahanani UPI Y.A.I
  • Marhalinda Marhalinda UPI Y.A.I
  • Endang Ayu Rahayu UPI Y.A.I


This study aims to identify the potential of alternative tourism villages and the external and
internal factors that are owned in Pringkasap Village, Pabuaran District, Subang Regency. This
type of research is qualitative, with the method of collecting data through FGD. The analytical tool
used is a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat) analysis, which aims to determine an
alternative tourism village development strategy. The results of the study resulted in several
strategic directions for the development of tourist villages, including competitive strategies,
overview strategies, diversification strategies and defensive strategies
