Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Laboratorium Kesehatan (SILK) Di Politeknik Negeri Indramayu

  • Winani Winani Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
  • Bachtiar Efendi Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
  • A. Sumarudin Politeknik Negeri Indramayu


Facilities and infrastructure standards are national education standards relating to minimum criteria
regarding study rooms, places to exercise, places of worship, libraries, laboratories, workshops, playgrounds,
places for creation and recreation, as well as other learning resources, which are needed to support the learning
process. including the use of information and communication technology (Government Regulation No. 19 of
2005 concerning National Education Standards, 2005). One of these activities is the management of the
Nursing Laboratory, whose management must comply with standards to support student practice activities.
Efforts are being made to support these activities by building a web-based application, namely the Nursing
Laboratory Information System (NLIS) which can be visited by accessing the Nursing Laboratory System
Inventory page via the URL: The program is expected to find errors and data that
can be used for use and is very useful in Documented Recording of incoming and outgoing reports of goods,
both medical devices and consumables, the formation of an information system related to recording and
reporting on the inventory of tools and consumables, transferring technology, to provide convenience for
students in using the laboratory, as well as improve the accessibility of data that is presented in a timely and
accurate manner for users.
