Sosialisasi Pembentukan Koperasi Swadaya Melalui Pemberdayaan Kelompok Wanita Tani (Kwt) Desa Rajaiyang Kabupaten Indramayu

  • Dian Tri Hapsari UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Ana Kuswanti UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Munadhil Abdul Muqsith UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Radita Gora Tayibnapis UPN Veteran Jakarta
  • Hermina Manihuruk UPN Veteran Jakarta


The Empowerment of Women Farmers Groups (KWT) encourages the formation of self-help
cooperatives. The hope is that the socialization of self-help cooperatives can be a means to help
ease the economic burden that has been felt by farmers while waiting for the harvest to arrive.
Farmers in Rajaiyang village usually depend on middlemen by borrowing money first, or by
borrowing capital from moneylenders to meet their daily needs. A similar reality also occurs when
starting the planting season. KWT and the Association of Farmers Groups (Gapoktan) in
Rajaiyang Village depend on moneylenders and middlemen, to meet their supply needs for seeds
and fertilizers. This background makes Gapoktan and KWT the target of socializing the formation
of self-help cooperatives accompanied by local village heads. It is hoped that the socialization of
the formation of this self-supporting cooperative can be a pilot project for empowering women
farmers in dealing with the very concerning problem of debt and credit. So that the existence of
cooperatives can help farmer groups financially in meeting their daily needs. In addition,
socialization of the formation of self-help cooperatives among farmers is also expected to increase
agricultural productivity and economic independence of farmers in Rajaiyang village, Indramayu
