Pelatihan Pembuatan Pola Celana Santai Bagi Masyarakat Kelurahan Muaragembong Kabupaten Bekasi

  • Melly Prabawati Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • E. Lutfia Zahra Universitas Negeri Jakarta


The scope of pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) field includes the development of the welfare
sector and the development of the potential of the creative industry. Activities in the PkM program carried
out by lecturers must be in accordance with the real problems and needs of the community in the PkM
location. Skills training for making casual pants patterns is a PkM activity carried out by a lecturer in
Fashion Design, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta. This activity aims to provide the
community with knowledge and skills in making pants patterns. The community members who participated
in the skills training for making casual pants were residents of the Muaragembong sub-district, Bekasi
Regency. The method used in the implementation of PkM activities begins with a site survey, followed by
training in making casual pants patterns, participants are given a module for making casual pants patterns,
lecturers explain learning materials using the lecture method and demonstrate the steps for making casual
pants patterns, then lecturers and students provide guidance to participants in the practice of making casual
pants patterns. The involvement of students in PkM activities is so that students have a spirit of community
service by contributing their expertise and caring about the conditions that are happening in the community.
The result of PkM activities is that participants have skills in making casual pants patterns that can be sold to
increase income and can improve household welfare.
