Tentang Jurnal Ini

Focus and Scope

The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thinking or ideas and results of research that have been achieved in the field of economy..

IKRA-ITH EKONOMIKA, specifically focuses on the main problems in the development of the science of public services as follows:

  1. Marketing Management;
  2. Financial Management
  3. Human Resource Management
  4. Entrepreneurship
  5. Finance and Accounting

Section Policies


 Open Submissions


 Peer Reviewed


Peer Review Process

IKRA-ITH EKONOMIKA is published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM).

The IKRA-ITH-EKONOMIKA article is entered through an electronic process (OJS), so each writer is obliged to register and enter the text through OJS (Registration).

Each script submitted will be subject to peer review (blind review) by 2 (two) reviewers. Peer reviews are conducted online by reviewers and the results will be communicated to the author via email.

The results of the review can be in the form of acceptance, revision, and rejection of the manuscript. The maximum review time is 1 (one) month after receipt of the manuscript. The review process will consider new things, objectivity, methods, scientific impact, conclusions, and references. Reviewers will recommend accepting manuscript articles. The editor will decide whether the manuscript meets the requirements of the Information Technology Journal. Editor's decision is final. 


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Peer Review Process

Journal of Community Service and Service is published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM).
IKRA-ITH EKONOMIKA articles are entered through an electronic process (OJS), so that each writer must register and enter the manuscript through OJS (Registration).
Each incoming script will be peer reviewed (blind review) by 2 (two) reviewers. Peer reviews are carried out online by the reviewer and the results will be submitted to the author via email.
The results of the review can be in the form of acceptance, revision, and rejection of the text. The maximum review time is 1 (one) month after receipt of the manuscript. The review process will consider new things, objectivity, methods, scientific impacts, conclusions, and references. Reviewers will suggest receipt of manuscript articles. The editor will decide whether the manuscript meets the requirements of the Information Technology Journal. The editor's decision is final.