Digital Marketing Dalam Meningkatkan Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah (UKM)

  • Widya Nengsih Universitas Mitra Bangsa Jakarta
  • Sigit Priyono Universitas Mitra Bangsa Jakarta
  • Nurul Wahdini Universitas Mitra Bangsa Jakarta
  • Harries Madiistriyatno Universitas Mitra Bangsa Jakarta
  • Benedictus Tri Januarianto Universitas Mitra Bangsa Jakarta


Application of digital marketing management to micro, small and medium enterprises. (SMEs) in
Indonesia are very important for optimizing businesses in the digital era. In Indonesia, the MSME sector
has an important role in the national economy and therefore requires technical and infrastructure support.
Support for the development of SMEs in the digital era, digital marketing management has become a focus
in the business world, especially considering how digital technology has changed the way we interact with
products and services. Digital marketing and management are very important for SMEs in Indonesia,
because the rapid era of digitalization makes technology information to be effective. tools for data
collection, product promotion, and online transactions. The analysis in this research was carried out using
a qualitative descriptive research method on best-selling data related to understanding digital marketing
management, its importance for SMEs, and how digital tutorials influence SME marketing. This research
collects data from sources that support the definition of digital marketing management, its importance for
SMEs, and digital technology influencing SME marketing. This analysis aims to increase understanding of
digital marketing management and how digital technology influences MSME marketing.
