Efektivitas Media E-Learning Berbasis Learning Management System (LMS) Di Era Pandemi Covid-19

  • Noer Ekafitri Sam
  • Reski Idrus
Keywords: Effectiveness, LMS, Learning Outcomes, Student Activities


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of e-learning media based on learning
management system (LMS) in the era of the covid-19 pandemic on student learning outcomes and
activities in the Information Systems study program with competence in scientific writing
methodology. The research used is a quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental) with a one group
pretest posttest design, namely experimental research carried out in one group that was chosen
randomly and no stability and clarity test of the group's condition was carried out before being
treated. The population in this study were students majoring in Information Systems STMIK Hasan
Sulur Wonomulyo. With a sample of 15 seventh semester students. The results obtained are (a)
analysis of the N-Gain score on the pretest-posttest which is in the high category, which means
there is a change in students' cognitive towards the implementation of the media; (b) analysis of
student activities in the very active category. Based on the research results obtained, the application
of e-learning media based on the learning management system meets the effective category.
Learning Management System can be used as a media reference in learning that can improve
student learning outcomes and activities
