Analisis penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Menggunakan metode Behaviorally Anchore Rating Scale BARS dan Management By Objectives MBO Di CV Brilliant

  • Abdul Latif Harahap
  • Surya Perdana
Keywords: Performance Assessment, Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale, Management By Objective


CV. Brilliant is a manufacturing company engaged in the convection industry in the
manufacture of various types of clothing, namely shirts, t-shirts, school uniforms and office
uniforms. In running its business where there are complaints from production employees on work
reports regarding performance appraisals that do not have measurable standards so that
performance appraisals tend to be subjective, and there is no target and reciprocity on employee
performance achievements so that employees feel uncomfortable and unmotivated at work which
results in decreased production in the period from January to June 2019. The purpose of this
study is to find out the causes of the decline in employee performance and solutions to increase
employee productivity, the researchers analyzed using the Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale
(BARS) and Management By Objectives (MBO) methods using SPSS software. From the results
of the analysis obtained several factors in the performance appraisal including Personality worth
5,167, Work Behavior 2,069, Quality of work 1,825, Reliability 1,355 work and Managerial
1,028 as well as the existence of standard goals and reciprocity for employees in performance appraisal to increase productivity. Using both methods can solve performance appraisal problems
so that employees can work comfortably and full of motivation.
