Pengaruh Quality Of Website, Brand Resonance Dan Online Customer Review Terhadap Purchase Intention Pada Konsumen Agoda.Com Di Surabaya

  • Ira Ningrum Resmawa
  • Siti Masruroh
Keywords: quality of website, brand image, purchase intention, online, customer review, agoda


Information technology is very helpful for consumers as a means of supporting longdistance
communication at this time where consumers can easily use the internet to access
applications that can help consumers to get what they want, such as those engaged in
hospitality and tourism services such as Agoda. The focus of this research is to determine
how the influence of Quality of Website, Brand Resonance and Online Customer Review
on Purchase Intention of consumers in Surabaya. The results show that the
quality of the website has a significant influence on the Purchase Intention of
consumers. Brand Resonance has a significant influence on the purchase intention of consumers. Meanwhile, online customer reviews have no significant effect on
the purchase intention of consumers.
