Hubungan Manajemen Waktu dan Dukungan Sosial Teman Sebaya Dengan Prokrastinasi Akademik Pada Siswa Kelas XII SMAN 4 Bekasi
The purpose of this study was to see the relationship between time management and
peer social support with academic procrastination of student of class XII in SMAN
4 Bekasi. The subjects of this study was the student of class XII in SMAN 4 Bekasi,
with a population of 358 students. The sampling technique used is the convenience
sampling. This research is a quantitative study that uses 3 measuring instruments,
namely: academic procrastination scale, time management scale, and peer social
support scale. The results showed that there was a significant and negative
relationship between time management and academic procrastination with r -0.762
and p = 0.000 < 0.05. There was a significant and negative relationship between
peer social support and academic procrastination with r -0.354 and p = 0.000 <
0.05. There was a significant relationship between time management and peer
social support with academic procrastination of student of class XII in SMAN 4
Bekasi with R = 0.767 and p = 0.000 < 0.05.