Perancangan Logo Kampanye Clean Eating Dalam Meningkatkan Pola Hidup Sehat Pasca Covid-19 di Media Sosial Instagram

  • Vania Victoria Universitas Trilogi
  • Ratih Mahardika Universitas Trilogi
Keywords: Clean Eating, Adolescents, Dangerous Diseases, Healthy Lifestyle, Health


Currently, teenagers very often consume unhealthy foods. This of course makes the lifestyle of
teenagers to be unhealthy. An unhealthy lifestyle that is carried out continuously will of course have
a negative impact on the body. Dangerous diseases can no longer threaten adults but in their teens.
The main causes are unhealthy lifestyle and eating patterns, high stress levels and lack of physical
activity such as exercising. Moreover after the Covid-19 pandemic made people inevitably have to
start healthy lifestyle in order to maintain immunity in their body. A clean eating pattern is a healthy
diet by consuming natural ingredients that do not go through many processes so that the intake of
vitamins, minerals and other important substances is not lost and is well absorbed by the body.
However, it turns out that there are still many people, especially teenagers, who are still not aware
of the importance of maintaining health from an early age and have never done a clean eating diet
because information is still minimal. Therefore, it is hoped that this campaign can change the
awareness of teenagers about the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle from an early age to
prevent diseases that are harmful to the body
