Ujaran Kebencian Dalam Penyimpangan Sila Ke-2 Pancasila

  • Aisyah Putri Irawan
  • Aniek Irawatie
Keywords: pancasila, hate speech, social media, digital age


In the digital age, education is one form of social action centered on social media. The Pancasila concept, which
focuses on the right to life, is at the heart of this concept. In Indonesia, there is a significant increase in social media
use, with 191 million active social media users as of January 2022. This increase is due to the use of social media,
TikTok, Twitter, Facebook Messenger as social learning platforms. Social media use has increased significantly
between 2014 and 2022, with 34.2% of Indonesians using social media regularly. Hate speech, a form of
communication, is a common problem in the educational world, often involving racial, gender, and ethnic issues.
Social media use has also increased in recent years, with the emergence of social media platforms like TikTok and
Twitter. The results of this study show that 90% of people claim to have received or engaged in hate speech, both on
social media and in everyday life. A large number of them use social media like TikTok, Twitter and instagram. The
factors in which hate speech arises are internal factors of the individual's psychological state, and external factors
such as a general group of societies that adhere to primordialism and ethnosentrism. The methods used are library
studies and quantitative analysis. Qualitative understands the meaning present in the phenomenon of hate speech as
a form of simulation of Pancasila's second hatred. The process of data collection, data analysis, and drawing
conclusions is part of the quantitative analysis
