Perancangan Media Edukasi Pola Makan Sehat Melalui Komik Strip Bergaya Kartun Indonesia
Food is one of the main needs of all living creatures and there are certain rules for consuming it.
Education about consuming healthy food is usually provided from an early age, both formally and nonformally. However, a number of diseases have been recorded, including obesity, diabetes and anemia,
which are often experienced by teenagers aged 10-14 years (early teenagers) as a result of unhealthy
eating. This age refers to the age of primary and junior high school. This is caused by the fact that many
teenagers not eat breakfast, not consume enough vegetables and fruit, often consume too much sweet and
fatty foods, lack of physical activity and other. Therefore, there is a need for a method of delivering
education through alternative media, one of which is digital comic strips. The reason for using this media is
because the comics have illustrated images with unusual and systematic storylines, don’t have a formal
impression, and are easy to read anywhere so that the information is easy to understand. The illustrations
in this designing comic strips, is used with a characteristic Indonesian cartoon style. The style used is like
one of the famous Indonesian comics, that is Si Juki, which has a simple style, thick line art and circle eyes.
This research was carried out using the double diamond type design thinking method which has 4 research
stages, That is the Discover (searching problem), Define (planning concepts), Develop (developing
concepts), and Deliver (finishing design)