Pengaruh Electronic Word of Mouth di Instagram Terhadap Minat Beli Produk Lokasaji

  • Cantika Putri Angelyna
  • Syaifuddin Syaifuddin
Keywords: Electronic Word Of Mouth, Social Media, Instagram, Purchase Intent, Lokasaji


The current electronic word of mouth, containing recommendations and reviews on social
media, greatly facilitates marketers in providing information regarding their products or services.
It also makes it easier for consumers to acquire information and recommendations about a
particular product or service. Hence, it holds the potential to support marketing efforts,
particularly influencing consumer purchasing interest towards the product. Electronic word of
mouth occurson various social media platforms, one of which is Instagram. This study employs a
quantitative approach with an explanatory type. The research method utilized is a survey method
involving a questionnaire to gather data from 100 respondents, selected through simple random
sampling technique. To analyze the data, the researcher employs correlation analysis, simple
linear regression, computes the coefficient of determination, and conducts partial tests toobserve
the influence of variables individually. The research findings demonstratethat electronic word of
mouth on Instagram significantly impacts the purchasing interest of the Lokasaji product, with a
strong and positive correlation of 66.4%. This implies that electronic word of mouth on Instagram
contributes to the purchasing interest of the Lokasaji product
