Identitas Virtual Remaja Pada Media Sosial Instagram

  • Nur Idaman
  • Woro Harkandi Kencana


Adolescents are those who experience a transitional period (transition) from childhood to adulthood,
namely between the ages of 12-15 years and their 20s. The changes that occur are drastic in all aspects
of development, including physical, cognitive, personality and social development (Gunarsa, 206:
196). The development of identity continues in adolescent development. Social media communication
technology, especially Instagram, is a place for teenagers to present their identity. By using the
communication theory of identity by Michael Hecht, this study aims to determine the form of
adolescent virtual identity on Instagram social media. The methodology used is a qualitative
approach, phenomenological methods, primary data collection techniques by conducting in-depth
interviews with active teenagers on Instagram. As well as secondary data by observing the accounts
owned by the informants. The validity of the data used triangulation methods and source triangulation
in conducting the analysis of this research. From the results of research, the virtual identity of
adolescents on Instagram was formed through a series of four levels of personal layers, enactment
layers, relational and communal level identities. At that level, the form of youth identity was seen in
the use of both accounts. In the first account, the teenager's identity was formed only in the form of a
positive self-concept and limited full self-identity disclosure, while adolescents were more free to
express their identity more openly in the second account even though they limited friendship and used
a pseudonym .
