Dampak Kecerdasan Emosi Terhadap Kualitas Pengambilan Keputusan Pemimpin Dan Efektivitas Sekolah Di Indonesia
This article aims to examine the aspects of emotional intelligence that most dominantly affect
the quality of educational leaders' decision-making which in turn have an effect on the effectiveness
of schools in Indonesia. The data were collected by using a questionnaire followed by 104
educators (teachers and principals) consisting of 83 teachers and 21 school principals. Data
processing using SmartPLS shows that the aspects of self-awareness (emotional awareness, selfintrospection, self-confidence), self-regulation (self-control, trust, conscience, adaptability and
innovation) have an effect on the quality of decision making by 0.538. The results of this study
recommend that schools pay close attention to and prioritize self-awareness and self-regulation as
aspects of emotional intelligence to improve the quality of decision making and its effect on school