Internal Locus of Control dan Konsep Diri Hubungannya dengan Kematangan Karir Siswa SMA X Bekasi

  • Ira Yunita
  • Anizar Rahayu


Students who are currently studying at the final high school level (SMA) are faced with many new
roles, including career choices. Problems faced by high school students at this stage are a lack of informational
competence and the difficulty of making career choices. The Covid 19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia also
had an impact on students in preparation for making career decisions. Career choices are not only tailored to
suit interests and talents, but also consider the impact of changes caused by the pandemic at large. This study
aims to determine the internal locus of control and self-concept of its relationship with the career maturity of
the 12th grade students of SMA X Bekasi. The entire population was sampled in this study as many as 166
students, with saturated sampling techniques. The data collection method used a questionnaire consists of a
career maturity questionnaire, internal locus of control and self-concept. Data analysis used bivariate
correlation to measure the correlation of internal locus of control variables with career maturity and selfconcept variables with career maturity, while multivariate correlation was used to measure the correlation of
internal locus of control variables and self-concept with career maturity. The results showed that the internal
locus of control had a significant positive correlation with the career maturity of the 12th grade students of
SMA X Bekasi, and self-concept also had a significant positive correlation with the career maturity of the 12th
grade students of SMA X Bekasi. Furthermore, both internal locus of control and self-concept have a significant
positive correlation with the career maturity of the 12th grade students of SMA X Bekasi.
