Eksplorasi Pelepah Pohon Pisang Untuk Dijadikan Produk Interior

  • Rani Rufaidah
  • Oki Kurniawan
  • Dedy Rachmad Setiawardhana
Keywords: Banana midrib, exploration, biodegradable, composite, armature lamp


There are 230 types of bananas in Indonesia, banana stalks are usually only used as
accessories and cigarette rollers, even though the strong character of the leaf fibers makes it
potential to be explored so that they can be used as other products with high selling value. .
Exploration techniques used are those that still adhere to the biodegradable concept so that the
product when it is out of use can decompose in nature. In this research, the explorations carried
out were crushing/milling, oven and press techniques to be made into a composite with a mixture
of biodegradable natural materials. The composite results were selected based on the analysis of
the characteristics obtained in the composite results. based on the exploration results that are in
accordance with the desired characteristics, namely strong, durable, natural, and heat resistant
then applied to lamp armature products.Furthermore, the production process for lamp prototypes
is based on the design preferred by the respondent. The prototype work process goes through the
following stages: 1) making the lamp frame, 2) making the lamp armature with the composite
manufacturing process, 3) assembling the mess composite and fibre composite into an armature,
4) assembling the lamp, 5) assembling all component.
