Pemahaman Nilai-nilai Bela Negara Generasi Muda Dalam Mnghadapi Informasi Di Era Digital

  • Yulnelly Yulnelly Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
  • Marina Ery Setiyawati Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
Keywords: National Defense, Information, Young Generation


UPN Veteran Jakarta is one of 3 (three) State Universities (PTN) which initially
had the status of a Private Universities (PTS) until 2014 changed its status to PTN with the
characteristics of State Defense. Defending the State is the effort of ev ery citizen in
maintaining the integrity of his country where this situation is realized, among others, by an
attitude of love for the homeland and being willing to sacrifice. Along with advances in the
field of information technology, it is very easy and fast to get information from various
social media, so a wise attitude is needed in sorting information. Based on this, a research
was conducted with the title Understanding the Values of State Defense of the Young
Generation in Facing Information in the Digital Age. This study aims to find out and get an
overview of the younger generation regarding Bela values in the digital era. The method
used to obtain data and information by using a questionnaire as an instrument of data
collection from a predetermined sample that can represent the population. The research
approach is quantitative research with descriptive research methods, namely all information
or data presented in the form of numbers and data analysis is carried out to obtain
conclusions. The results obtained this study are that there is still an inappropriate
understanding of the concept of Defending the State and there are still young people who
are not wise in using social media in the digital era
