Persepsi Remaja Tentang Body Shaming

  • Andika Wahyudi Gani
  • Novita Maulidya Jalal
Keywords: Perception, Youth, Body Shaming


The purpose of this study was to see how students perceive an embarrassing body. The research
method used is descriptive quantitative. Data collection was carried out by perceptual
perception, then analyzed quantitatively with the proportion technique. The research subjects
were 28 students who were willing to take part in the research. The results of the study show that
adolescents often consider themselves to be embarrassed by the body, namely 17.9% of
adolescents think that they often get humiliated treatment from others, 75% sometimes they get
treatment given by the body. Body shaming treatment was mostly done by cellphone friends at
67.5%. The light body shaming treatment for adolescents related to body weight or obesity was
57.1%. This experience caused 42.9% of adolescents to form thoughts to fight, but still 57.1%
chose to remain silent. This thought led to 64.3% of adolescents who chose to be silent and shut
themselves off, 39.3% who considered themselves to be distrustful, 21.4% who withdrew from the
