Evaluasi dan Rekomendasi Revamp User Interface Link UMKM Menggunakan Metode Heuristic Evaluation dan Human-Centered Design

  • Theresia Sekarsari Ajeng Universitas Siber Indonesia
  • Dwipo Setyantoro Universitas Siber Indonesia
  • Hafid Rahman Universitas Siber Indonesia
Keywords: Evaluation, Link UMKM, User Interface, Heuristic Evaluation, HumanCentered Design


Link UMKM is a website used to conduct MSME empowerment and mentoring programs. Link
UMKM is in the development stage so that internal research is carried out by conducting competitor
analysis, web traffic and focus group discussions which results in the finding of the issue that the UI
/ UX of Link UMKM is less attractive so that a revamp is needed. The Data and Platform
Management team really needs recommendations for improving the user interface so that an
evaluation is carried out using the Heuristic Evaluation method and the Human-Centered Design
method. In this evaluation, the human-centered design method is used to generate context, needs,
solution design and solution design evaluation while the heuristic evaluation method is in the
evaluation which will evaluate the initial design (stage 1) and solution design (stage 2) by 5 (five)
evaluators which results in problem findings, recommendations and severity rating values. The
number of problem findings in stage 1 was 52 problems that were adjusted to 32 problems with 24
improved problems and the number of problem findings in stage 2 was 7 problem findings from
missed problems and after improvements. The results of the research conducted using these two
evaluations show a decrease in problems by comparing problem findings, which means that the
evaluation has succeeded in fixing and resolving problems so that it can become a recommendation
for the Link UMKM user interface.
