Peranan Psychological Capital Karyawan Dalam Mendorong Ekspektasi Kinerja Perusahaan

  • Yunita Sari
  • Andika Yunianto
Keywords: Psychological Capital, Performance Expectations, Company, Employees


The world's economic growth has made competition in the business world even tighter,
so companies must have good achievements to get success in the business world. This is
the biggest challenge for organizations to survive and adapt to any changes that occur.
For that the company must be able to increase the ability and potential of employees.
Efforts to improve the quality and effectiveness of employees need serious attention by
the company by referring to the development of information technology and the
readiness of human resources. The work effectiveness of company employees is not only
determined by the rules and Standard Operational Procedure (SOP). Employees with a
high level of performance expectations show a positive attitude towards their work, on
the other hand someone who does not have performance expectations with their work
shows a negative attitude towards work. Therefore, the company is expected to generate
psychological capital that can boost employee performance expectations, where
psychological capital reflects a positive psychological condition. By measuring the
success of the application of the psychological capital role of employees in encouraging
expectations of company performance, it is able to generate employee confidence in
solving problems and success at work
